Our Story
The Upper Valley Wood and Food Bank was founded to help those who can't afford to heat their homes in the winter by making deliveries of free firewood on an emergency basis. Every year, we work hard to keep individuals and families in the Upper Valley warm and safe during the cold winter months.
Based in Woodstock, the Upper Valley Wood and Food Bank, Inc. is a Vermont domestic non-profit corporation. The organization is managed by the Ferro family, after having been started by Nicholas Ferro and Bryan Ferro in the early 1990s.
Since 2017, the Upper Valley Wood and Food Bank has expanded its outreach and started partnering with local food shelves to provide fresh food deliveries to support the local community.
We look forward to maintaining and growing the organization's capabilities and greatly appreciate the support we have received to help those most in need in our communities. We are very grateful for the ongoing support of our volunteers including Shannon and Gerry Murphy, Change the World Kids, Sophia Ferro, Thalia Ferro, and Thomas Ferro.